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23/175 Millwater Parkway (09) 320 0873 Enrolment Form and Questionnaire 我们提供华语医生服务


Millwater Medical is the sister clinic to Silverdale Medical. We are a small, family-focussed, friendly General Practice located in the Millwater shops on Millwater Parkway. We have opened to serve the growing population in this vibrant area.


We are open 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday. If you need to see a doctor or nurse outside these hours, please head up the road to Silverdale Medical which is open 8.00am – 8.00pm 7 days a week.

Doctors and Services

Our Services include GP Consultations, ACC Consultations, Nurse Consultations, Driving Medicals, Insurance Medicals, Pre-employment Medicals, Ultrasound Scanning and now Dr Marcus Ang also performs ear suctions at Millwater. (Please advise the receptionist if you are booking in for an Ear Suction).

We also have our onsite Podiatrist Foot Doctor Podiatry.


To enrol simply fill out the enrolment form and mark Millwater Medical at the top.


For bookings:  call 09 320 0873 or click below to view our online booking system.
Please note doctors at Millwater also work at Silverdale so make sure you book for the correct location.

General enquiries

For all other enquiries:
23/175 Millwater Parkway, Millwater 0992
Phone : (09) 320 0873 Fax: (09) 320 0874